attempting to defend the bible, some theists prefer to attack the meta-ethical
foundation of their atheist interlocutor, rather than defend the passage in
contention directly. Probably these Christians think this is a quick and easy
way to answer any challenges to their position.
what happens is that the theist attacks the meta-ethics of the atheist
directly. The line of reasoning is - if the atheist does not have objective
morality, no criticism against the bible can stand. (Let’s call this the
direct meta-ethical evasion.)
Why is
this argument dishonest? A better question to ask is 'when would it not be
dishonest?' When would it be acceptable to defend apparently immoral writings
with a sudden adoption of moral skepticism? It is highly convenient, to say the
In any
case, the direct meta-ethical evasion is unworkable, since regardless of what
moral ontology the atheist accepts, it is a matter of scripture contradicting
god's omnibenevolence. Meta-ethics is irrelevant.
his debate with EssenceofThought, TheCartesianTheist asked the question 'are we
in agreement that rape is objectively wrong?' At no point did he try to
undercut EoT's claims to objective morality – and not simply because EoT didn’t
make any. CT's method seems to have evolved slightly. He does not (to my
knowledge) use the moral argument for god’s existence, and he seems to have
discontinued using meta-ethics as a direct defence of the bible. While he used
to do this, (he has a video called ‘The atheistic moral problem’) he seems to
have realized that it is unnecessary to argue the atheist into a subjective
moral ontology, because they are often willing to admit this themselves. CT's
approach is to milk this fact for emotional effect. (Let’s call this the
indirect meta-ethical evasion; since it does not rule out criticism of
scripture, it is simply a way to cast doubt on the critic.) I find this tactic
to be manipulative and dishonest, and also not exactly a paradigm of good
philosophy. *Shock horror, 'you don't think rape
is objectively wrong?', as though beliefs about moral ontology
necessarily said anything about an individual's normative ethics. I imagine
professional philosophers don't find this a good way to argue for moral
realism. It is the sort of thing one would expect only from a religious apologist.
So in
response to his blog, yes, my video was made with CT in mind. But it was also
made with various other theistic meta-ethical evasions in mind too; the direct
meta-ethical evasions which CT seems to have jettisoned, and also CT’s own indirect
ways of using meta-ethics to poison the well.
But since
CT responded to that video, I might as well spell out in more detail what I
think is dishonest about his approach in particular. (And why I'm able to point
this out). CT begins his blog post:
“I'm quite happy to stand corrected but from the feedback I have received from atheists on YT so far, since my discussion with EssenceofThought (EOT), I am yet to hear an atheist tell me they disagree with EOT and they wish to also affirm that rape is something which is morally wrong beyond a personal denouncement.”
begins by doing the very thing I was arguing against. He also did this during
the debate, in his 'teaser' video, and here and there throughout his blog. He
is poisoning the well.
I also
think personal denouncements go a long way. Even if they are not objective in
every sense, that doesn't make them arbitrary, unfounded, or futile. ‘Personal
denouncement’ is simply a way of deflating the moral judgments people make. I
have videos on this, so I will set it aside for now.
“CV tries to suggest that theists are being underhanded by asking atheists about their metaethics (ohhh-ahhh - how dare they?). Clearly on this point he failed to even listen to my discussion with EOT since I made it very clear I was only asking EOT out of interest and that it would not be part of my defence of Deuteronomy. I made it quite clear what my own view was and, if you listen carefully you will hear EOT claim this is highly significant to the discussion.”
It is
underhanded. As I said in my video, it is an attempt to stack the deck against
the atheist. CT's subscribers can instantly switch off, since the atheist
doesn't have objective morality. There was at least one comment to this effect,
which had been thumbed up quite a bit. It's also a nice fail-safe for CT. If he
can't defend the passage, he can make meta-ethical evasions.
when would it be acceptable to raise meta-ethics? When would it be acceptable,
in trying to defend a set of apparently immoral writings, to even gesture
towards meta-ethics? Simply switch the bible with any other questionable set of
writings to see why this sort of thing doesn't and shouldn't fly. It's nothing
but a smokescreen.
Were Stalin’s
purges really bad, or is that just your worthless opinion? No, I'm not saying
you can't have your opinion, if you believe killing millions of people isn't
objectively wrong than that's up to you. But while we're on the topic, I
actually affirm that killing people is objectively wrong. Unlike you. Notice
how the person who should be defending their own writings is using the very
content of those writings to assert a moral advantage over the critic.
The moral
ontology of both CT and EoT is neither here nor there in this argument. All
that matters is that if an instance of immorality can be shown in the text, the
text is not inerrant and the theist has a contradiction on their hands. I'm not
concerned with showing that such a passage exists. I'm interested in what needs
to be shown.
“So if I am stating my view clearly up front from the beginning it is surely a matter of interest what EOT's views are? But even so I made it painfully clear that a counter metaethical attack was not going to happen once we got onto the biblical passages and it did not. CV fails on this criticism therefore.”
In the
context of a debate about scripture, it doesn't matter what EoT's views on
meta-ethics are. Not only because he hasn't studied it, or made videos about
it, but because it has no bearing on the question of scripture. It doesn’t
matter what anyone’s views are on this. A counter meta-ethical attack was
unnecessary anyway, because EoT did not affirm objective morality. He simply
pointed out that his and CT's definitions have not always matched and that it
was a red herring. He was correct to do this. But CT insisted on waving around
his poorly explained ontology and then crying foul when EoT didn’t affirm it.
“At around 1 minute CV states that "objective oughts are a very difficult notion" which is a very interesting thing to note given that he is lecturing his audience on the oughts of proper discourse. That sounds very much like giving instructions in ethical behaviour to me. Is CV simply stating his preference for discussion etiquette then? Well his language certainly sounds otherwise. He appears to be suggesting the theist is doing something objectively wrong and that they OUGHT not ask the atheist their view even out of interest.”
CT seems
to be under the impression that this is some sort of brilliant refutation. It
isn't. First of all, the question "how can a meta-ethical subjectivist
make moral pronouncements?" has been answered by atheist heavy-hitters like
QualiaSoup and TheoreticalBullshit. It's also been answered by Aletheia216 in a
video response to CT. This response has been up for ten months. I even repeated
Aletheia’s response in the video CT is supposed to be addressing. And I've
offered my own answers to this question in many of my videos, and I know CT has
watched them. This ‘gotcha’ question has been dealt with. But CT
is still trying to show I am contradicting myself by loading my position with
his presuppositions which I've repeatedly and explicitly rejected. Perhaps it's clear
now why I chose the title I did for my video.
I'm sure
CT finds these answers problematic, but no amount of partially understood
quotations from philosophers can help him gloss over the fact that he's
systematically ignored the answers offered, and then acted as if it was I who
was ignoring some glaring contradiction.
someone who loudly proclaims his own philosophical learnedness, the repeated
and insistent use of this cavil is quite amusing. The argument really runs
itself. "You believe morality is subjective. You can't use moral
language." Simple and easy to remember. This line of arguing is no
different in either style or substance from Sye Ten Bruggencate's repetitious
question "and how do you know your reasoning is valid?" And just like
Stephen Law recommends turning this question on its head and asking 'how do I
know you haven't been hit over the head with a rock?' I recommend an analogous
approach to CT's egregiously dishonest and malformed inquiry.
But CT
has just given me everything I need, as someone who thinks meta-ethics is not
completely objective, to answer him. 'The oughts of proper discourse'. In an
agreed upon and specified context, it is possible to give objective answers.
Perhaps CT is wondering why he should accept the oughts of proper discourse in
the first place. Well I don't think he should. To do so would make pushing his
religion rather difficult. My video was not intended to persuade him, but to
start a discussion about how rational people should deal with the apologetic
slime he so prolifically excretes. I am appealing to common goals in order to
achieve an end. No objective moral ontology is required here. This has all been
explained before of course.
even if I were a closet moral realist, as CT seems to imply, I could still
think objective oughts are a very difficult notion. Difficult problems are not
insoluble. And I would still take issue with CT's devious methods. So CT just
bungled a line of argument that normally runs itself. He should stop
running on automatic and listen to the people he is engaging.
“[A small aside. Whilst I accept that the atheist might cause a problem by pointing to an internal inconsistency in the theist's worldview, please note that this is atheistic presuppositional apologetics of the very kind they so often complain about when done to them. They stand back and insist they have a null hypothesis whilst the other person must defend their worldview. This is using the kind of Hovind basterdized presuppositional method in many ways. Notice the advice given in the blurb to his video:
"Turn any challenge to your moral ontology on its head. Don't try to discuss honestly with propagandists, as your explanations will be ignored."
Does that not sound like the very tactics employed by the likes of Hovindites?]”
glad CT quoted that line, given that I've just shown a case of him very
resolutely ignoring explanations. I'll stick with my advice. If someone is
trying to distract you with meta-ethical hand-waving or other non sequiturs, don't
go to the trouble of trying to explain yourself.
someone is genuinely trying to have a discussion with you, then that is a
different matter. In that case, have a discussion.
more Hovindy, trying to catch people out with loaded ‘gotcha’ questions and
repeating sound bites back at them to throw egg on their face, or not bothering
to explain yourself to those who use these methods?
Also, I
don't claim a null hypothesis. I do claim that Christianity has vastly more
philosophical baggage than atheism, because it does. Atheists do not defend any
ancient scribblings, or posit a plethora of unfalsifiable phenomena. Theism
does both of these. CT knows what I think about this, because he's given my
video on it a glowing review.
“CV then complains that the theist fails to appreciate that a subjective or quasi-subjective moral ontology cannot be "meaningful" [c.1:30] but this is not relevant to the discussion I was having with EOT in the slightest and I never suggested one could not have a meaningful ethic if it is not a morally realist one. So why CV brings this in I don't know.”
It might
have something to do with CT's incessant repetition of the question 'so is rape
objectively wrong?', as though objectivity was the only workable option,
and his repeating answers back at people in a shocked and horrified manner, in
an attempt to shame them. Also, didn't CT just say that I was contradicting
myself in my use of moral language in his blog?
“He appears to be suggesting the theist is doing something objectively wrong and that they OUGHT not ask the atheist their view even out of interest.”
This is
strong evidence that CT does think that an objective moral ontology is the only
workable one. Even though I didn't really have CT in mind at this point in my
video, it does apply to him.
“At around the 1:40 mark CV complains about appeals to emotion (oh the irony) but this does not happen in the discussion and so my head scratching continues.”
Of course
it did. CT's debate with EoT was a good example of this sort of appeal to
emotion. 'Oh, so you don't think rape is objectively wrong then? That's
quite disturbing.' This is also the sort of thing I've been getting from CT
and from other theists generally for quite some time. I thought CT would
at least be wise enough not to try to pull this during a debate on scripture.
But also
look at CT's 'teaser' for the debate. He also included the segment on
meta-ethics there. I think it's clear why CT uses these tactics, which would be
forgivable if they were simply unconsidered remarks. But this is CT's
considered strategy - to use rape as a way to try to rhetorically beat his
atheist interlocutors into accepting moral realism and/or to make them look bad,
because saying 'rape isn't objectively wrong' sounds ugly. Even having 'so you
don't think rape is entirely objectively
wrong?' repeated at you is probably quite annoying too. And it undoubtedly
helps CT keep his flock asleep. I think CT's conscious and deliberated use of a
something like rape in order to make this point is rather poor form.
A quick
aside, how about an argument for moral realism? We all share the intuition that
rape is objectively wrong. But not all of us accept that our moral intuitions are good
evidence of anything more. I suspect most people would like to believe in moral
realism. All CT has to do is provide a cogent argument for it, but his choice
of tactics suggests that hasn’t yet thought of one.
“CV then chides anyone who dares question the metaethics of people who do not "make pretentions" to have philosophical knowledge! (3:30 ish) Surely CV cannot be talking about his mate EOT at this stage? Not the same EOT who made a four part series on morality entitled respectively:
1. The Morality Of The Godless: Episode 1 - The Development of Morals, Values and Social Norms.
2. The Morality Of The Godless : Episode 2 - The Biological & Evolutional Explanations behind Society.
3. The Morality Of The Godless : Episode 3 - The Socio/Psychological Explanations behind Society.
4. The Morality Of The Godless : Episode 4 - Explanations For Social Conflicts & Wars.”
I don't
see an Episode 5. Meta-ethics. There
are aspects to morality other than moral ontology, and it is possible to touch
on these without being committed to moral realism. In an analogous way,
you can do mathematics while being an anti-realist about the ontological status
of numbers. (This is the answer Aletheia gave).
“Ironically the previous 'Therefore God' show had been on the very subject of metaethics as well. Suddenly, when rape is the issue, metaethics is now not allowed to be talked about! When it was an atheist on the show that was different.”
deserves serious study. It shouldn't be used as a smokescreen to deflect
criticism and poison the well against critics. I invited CT on to discuss this,
but he went on to talk about the bible. Stay on topic, and don't castigate
those who ask you to. This is not an outrageous demand.
“CV then makes the ridiculous claim that I was repeating "You think rape isn't objectively wrong" for emotional effect. The reason this is ridiculous is that he could not personally know my motive for doing that in the first place. Secondly it would mean not taking me at my word during the discussion where I explicitly said the purpose was to find out if we were both in agreement on the matter. Ignoring what people actually say in a discussion and attempting to project motives on them there is no evidence for is not good form. How ironic that CV continues to take the tone of a moral sermon at this juncture.”
I'd like
to know what CT thinks he's doing, if not appealing to emotion. Appeals to emotion
are completely in place when discussing oughts. You ought to give to
charity. But they are out of place when discussing what is. You ought to accept
an objective moral ontology. Probably most of us would like to, but it's
not clear what this even means. How can an ‘ought’ be completely
I think
CT believes that people tend towards moral realism, and repeating these
questions is a good way to bring this out. But it is still an appeal to
emotion, as it does not solve the problem; it simply tries to beat the
interlocutor into submission with a highly loaded question which is repeated ad
nauseum. And regarding CT's series on meta-ethics, this is what's wrong with
it. The series has stopped after CT argued from intuition. (Perhaps it will
continue, but CT evidently prefers to slap together videos in which he trolls genuine
educators like AronRa and Thunderf00t, rather than actually creating any
substantial content). What is the point of simply arguing from intuition?
Philosophers are supposed to question their intuitions, not use their existence
as arguments and leave it at that. Anyone can say what appears to be the case.
“To finish I think it is worth noting that despite all his talk of insisting the job of the theist was to show there is no internal contradiction his video did not once admit I had done that very thing and that the vast majority of the discussion was about this. On such matters he had absolutely nothing to say in his video. EOT completely failed in his burden of demonstrating ANY such contradiction existed in the Christian worldview. A Christian is not contradicting their view on rape as being objectively wrong even when they are conservative in their view of scripture since there is absolutely zero evidence of rape being advocated as something other than a wrong act in the entire Bible. EOT was shown to be using a contentious passage with various possible readings as a proof-texting venture and to be arguing from silence when, in pure desperation, he attempted to use Lot at the end.”
CT seems
to have misunderstood me. He’s presenting it as a burden of proof issue. I did
not insist that. My contention is that if such a contradiction can be
shown, the bible is not inerrant, and any biblical inerrantist has a
contradiction on their hands. And this is
how the atheist can justifiably set aside meta-ethical questions and get on to
discuss the details of the scriptural passage in question. I'm interested
in what it is sufficient to show, not in demonstrating that such a passage can
actually be found. That's for others. I can't sit through the bible. It's
profoundly dull and unimaginative. Someone else will have to show how immoral
it is.
Again, my
interest is in how to refute meta-ethical distractions, so he seems to have
missed the point.
And given
that he accepts that meta-ethics has no bearing on an atheist's critique of the
bible, I find his insistence on using it even more dishonest. Again, I believe
it’s because CT knows that the more direct meta-ethical distractions won’t fly
that he’s muddying the water in this way.
‘arguments from silence’, I find this to be something of a double standard.
When the theist wishes to insert something into the text, 'context'. When EoT
rightly points out that there is no prohibition of rape in the bible, 'argument
from silence'. I think it matters what god neglected to say, but that's just
“I suggest theists keep asking atheists to justify their metaethics. The clear message is they have problems in this area and wish to avoid it by always throwing it back on the theist. The default setting of the You Tube atheist is that he will only want to attack your views.”
This is
from the person who insists on getting into meta-ethics when discussing
passages in the bible. The whole point of my video is that it is CT who is refusing
to stay on topic and discuss honestly. In discussing the bible, he insisted on
using meta-ethics, a highly difficult philosophical area, in arguing with a
non-philosopher. Of course EoT has difficulty there. Philosophers have
difficulty there. Everyone but YouTube Christians (who simply sweep their own problems under the rug) have at least some difficulty here.
“Don't allow the atheist to do that. Ask them to explain what they are proposing. If atheists are finding rape a difficult issue to explain in terms of its wrongness then this is one reason to have doubts about atheist ethics I think.”
I suggest
theists keep asking this too. But this discussion should be had for its own
sake, not as a distraction or a means of poisoning the well. And I also suggest
that the conversation should be reciprocal and not one-way. The theist's moral
ontology is not unproblematic either – it’s philosophy, there are always
problems. These should not be simply glossed over – as they often are. But if
theists do not agree to discuss honestly, then atheists should not go out of
their way to try to engage them. And using meta-ethics to distract criticism,
or poison the well against critics of scripture is dishonest, and also I hope I
have shown, unsuccessful.
Also, if
you want explanations, then listen to them. Also, don’t insist that the atheist must
accept the subjective/objective dichotomy. (This is in part why the question
is loaded). Part of the problem with CT is that in his attempts to procure
sound-bites agreeable to his agenda, he runs on automatic and fails to listen.
In his world, it’s either objective or it’s worthless. This is evident
throughout his post.
question for CT - would he agree that using only
meta-ethical scepticism to defend the bible (parenthesizing my accusations of
his poisoning the well) is dishonest? Because there are many Christians who do
this. Perhaps he would like to correct them.
debating CT:
My video:
response to me:
'teaser' for the debate: